
The planned routes, with the transport requirements allocated to them, are transferred to route points scheduling.

In first, you need to book a specific vehicle, driver, and shipping agent for the itinerary.

Then, the process follows with checking of the cargo's physical characteristics with the capacity of the vehicle.

Within this process, you also need to define of sequence of route's delivery points, and to specify standard timing for distances between route points.

As a result of the process, the itineraries are scheduled.

Video guide

Schedule itineraries flowchart

Schedule itineraries


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PathWarehouse and delivery → Delivery management → Itinerary
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How to assign vehicles for itineraries

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, then click Itinerary under Delivery management.

2. Select the From our warehouse or To our warehouse option, select a Warehouse, select the In-house carrier option.

3. Open the Itinerary document with the Created status.

4. In the Itinerary document, click the Main tab.

5. In the Vehicle field, replace the Vehicle type with a specific Vehicle.

6. Select the Driver, select the Shipping agent.

How to check cargo parameters

1. In the Itinerary document, click the Main tab.

2. Open the Vehicle, and check it's Carrying capacity.

3. In the Itinerary document, click the Route tab.

4. Check the Weight, Volume values of the cargo, compare it to the vehicle capacity.

5. Exclude references from the itinerary, if it is required.


After you have deleted lines and post the document, the remaining goods will be shown as a transportation demand. These goods will be available for assigning to other itineraries.

How to schedule itineraries

1. In the Itinerary document, click the Route tab.

2. Sort rout points using the Move up and Move down buttons.

3. In the Time from, to fields, define standard timing for distances between route points.

4. Set the Queued status

5. Click the Main tab, and update the planned Trip start and Trip end time.

6. Post the document.

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