
Once production, repair and maintenance works are completed, the company registers timesheets and charges for the work performed by workers and teams.

Accruals are made for an accounting period, usually for a week or a month.

When registering timesheets, the company chooses a required accrual object: an employee or a team. In case of accrual at the team level, the company indicates a labor participation rate for each team member.

The rates are applied according to the activity kind of the performed work.

As a result of the process, timesheet charges for performed works are recorded.

Register timesheets charge flowchart

Register timesheets charge


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PathManufacturing → Labor costs → Timesheets charge
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In-app link RU code


How to register work output for the period

1. Go to Manufacturing and then click Timesheets charge under Labor costs.

2. To show lines by Work teams / Employees and Base documents, click Expand by assignees and base documents.

3. Find reference documents and select them.

4. Click Generate.

The system will automatically:

  • Create a new Timesheets charge document.
  • Fill the document with data from Base documents.
  • Apply relevant rates per work.
  • Fill financial and cost controlling data.
  • Allocate labor costs between team members based on the Labor participation rate.

5. Check whether the document is filled correctly, make necessary changes, and post it.

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