Group nameDescription
Budgeting master data

This group includes processes for maintaining basic catalogs and settings for the purpose of building a budget structure, analytics structure and rules for filling budgets data.

Sales and operations planning master data

This group includes processes for maintaining basic catalogs and settings for the purpose of building a plans structure, analytics structure and rules for filling sales and operations plan data.


This group includes the processes of manual or automatic filling, consolidation, adjustment and approval of various financial plans.

Budget process

This group includes processes for setting up an internal corporate process for creating and managing all types of financial and operational plans.

Sales forecasts

This group includes the processes of manual or automatic filling, consolidation, adjustment and approval of sales forecast and external demand plans.

Purchase plans

This group includes the processes of manual or automatic filling, consolidation, adjustment and approval of purchase plans.

Production plans

This group includes the processes of manual or automatic filling, consolidation, adjustment and approval of production plans.

Inventory consumption plans

This group includes the processes of manual or automatic filling, consolidation, adjustment and approval of inventory consumption and internal demand plans.

Goods stock plans

This group includes the processes of manual filling of the material stock forecasts.

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