
After kitting orders are generated based on enterprise demand, plan, or created manually, the material requirements process verification and customization are required.

First, you need to check and fill the header data.

During the process of clarifying material requirements, the line item data are filled in. The product kit configuration and the list of components must be specified additionally.

As a result of the process, custom requirements for kitting are specified.

Video guide

Specify custom requirements for kitting flowchart

Specify custom requirements for kitting


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PathWarehouse and delivery Internal inventory transfers  Kitting orders
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How to fill kitting order header data

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, click Kitting orders under Internal inventory transfers.

2. In the Kitting orders list, open the document.

3. In the Kitting order document, click the Main tab, select a Kitting in the Business transaction field.

4. Select a Company, a Warehouse.

5. Click the More tab, check the required fields.

How to fill kitting order line item data

1. In the Kitting order document, click the Main tab, check Item, Variant, Assignment, quantity.

2. Open Product kit field. In the selection form, select the relevant one.

3. Click the Components tab, check the items and quantities copied from the selected Product kit.

4. Click Add and fill Items, Variant, Quantity of the components manually, if it is required.

5. Select all lines, and click Supply → To supply.

6. Post the document.

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