
Within the process, the asset and asset components are purchased in the warehouse and pass the standard goods receipt procedure.

In the process, these assets and components must be issued from the warehouse and allocated to construction objects or directly to assets to be capitalized later.

The process can also be applied to stocked construction materials used in the construction of fixed assets.

Consume inventory for CAPEX flowchart

Consume inventory for CAPEX


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PathWarehouse and delivery → Warehouse reports → Inventory analysis → Stock availability
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How to review warehouse stock to be capitalized

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, click Warehouse reports, and open the Stock availability report under Inventory analysis.

2. Set the filter in the Line of business attribute.

3. Analyze the lists of items related to investment activities.

4. Decide if the item must be treated as one or several Fixed assets using applicable value limits.


PathWarehouse and delivery → Internal inventory transfers → Internal documents (all)
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In-app link RU code


How to perform inventory consumption

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery and click Internal documents (all) under Internal inventory transfers.

2. Create the Inventory consumption — Non-operational activities document.

3. The system will automatically create the Expense as document.

4. Click the Main tab.

5. Select a Company.

6. Select a Business unit: the company's property department.

7. Select a Warehouse where the property is stored.

8. Click the Goods tab.

9. Fill the Items, Unit, and Quantity.

10. Specify the Expense item that was set up for expense capitalization.

11. In the Dimension field, specify an Asset.

12. Click the Advanced settings tab.

13. In the Price type field, select Cost.

14. Specify a Line of business that is related to the investment activity.

15. Post the document.

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