
Once the company has analyzed the cumulative transportation demand by in-house and outsourced carriers, planned itineraries are created.

Typically, the company creates planned itineraries for a vehicle type. When the company plans itineraries, it needs to consider vehicle type carrying and loading capacity. It allows the company to estimate approximately whether its itineraries are sufficient to meet the transportation demand on a particular day.

In the case where all transport needs are served by several vehicles, it makes sense to create planned itineraries directly for a specific vehicle.

As a result of the process, planned itineraries are created.

Video guide

Create planned itineraries flowchart

Create planned itineraries


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PathWarehouse and delivery → Delivery management → Itinerary
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How to create planned itineraries by vehicle types

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, then click Itinerary under Delivery management.

2. Select the From our warehouse or the To our warehouse option, select a Warehouse, select the In-house carrier option.

3. Click the Create itineraries tab.

4. On the right side of the workplace, click Create.

5. In the Select vehicles to create itineraries workplace, click the Vehicles types tab, find the Vehicle type with the corresponding cargo transportation parameters, and select it.

6. Fill the Time from and Time to columns related to the planned itinerary.


You can create the same Vehicle type itinerary for different time slots.

7. Click Generate delivery orders at the top.

How to create planned itineraries by vehicle

1. In the Itinerary workplace, select the From our warehouse or the To our warehouse option, select a Warehouse, select the In-house carrier option, click the Create itineraries tab.

2. On the right side of the workplace, click Create.

3. In the Select vehicles to create itineraries workplace, click the Vehicles tab, find the Vehicle with the corresponding cargo transportation parameters, and select it.

4. Fill the Time from and Time to columns related to the planned itinerary.


You can create the same Vehicle itinerary for different time slots.

5. Click Generate delivery orders at the top.

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