
A purchase order has to be created with detailed information about the asset to be purchased.

The requests for the asset can be derived from an individual demand, processed, and put into the purchase order.

The purchase order includes basic information on the type of asset and the required quantity. This could be:

  • Item
  • Quantity
  • Delivery date
  • Estimated price
  • Vendor
  • Terms of purchase
  • Information about the related cost object
  • Scanned reference and resolution documents and other

As a result of the process, the purchase order for an asset is created and can be handed over for approval.

Create purchase orders for assets flowchart

Create purchase order for asset


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See how it works in the system

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Purchasing → Purchasing  Purchase orders

In-app link EN code


In-app link RU code


How to create purchase orders

1. Go to Purchasing and then click Purchase orders under Purchasing.

2. Create a new Purchase order.

3. Click the Main tab.

4. Choose the Purchase from vendor business transaction or the Import business transaction to enable filled in of customs declarations for VAT.

How to enter header data in purchase orders

1. In the Purchase order document, go to the Main tab.

2. Choose the Vendor.

3. Choose the legal entity - a Counterparty on whose behalf the vendor works.

4. Choose the Terms of purchase.

The system will automatically determine whether the contract is required and fill:

  • Currency of the document
  • Vendor price type
  • Payment terms (see hyperlink)

5. Specify the Warehouse for keeping assets before their activation.

6. Click the Delivery tab.

7. Specify the delivery information.

8. Go to the More tab.

9. Check the information filled automatically.

10. Choose the Line of business related to the investment activities of the enterprise.

How to enter item data and quantity

1. In the Purchase order document, go to the Goods tab.

2. Based on consolidated individual requests and grouped by vendors:

  • Specify the requested delivery date.
  • Add a line.
  • Click Fill  Select goods.

3. In the Pick goods form:

  • Select items of the Product item type. Check if this item has the Assigned fulfillment checkbox selected.
  • Click Add to document.

4. Click the Goods tab.

5. Open the cell in the Assignment column and choose the Line of business related to the investment activities.

After posting, the system will automatically reserve these items in the warehouse from being used by other business units for the specified line of business.

How to define prices

1. Click the Main tab.

2. Open the Terms of purchase and check the Vendor price type selected in it.

3. Click the Goods tab.

4. There are two options to specify prices automatically:

  • Select lines and apply purchase conditions in accordance with the Terms of purchase (click Prices and discounts → Apply price type from Terms of purchase). The system will automatically fill prices from the Vendor price list mentioned in the Terms of purchase.
  • Select lines and apply a custom vendor price list (click Prices and discounts  Select price type). The system will automatically fill prices from the Vendor price list selected manually from the list.

You can also specify prices manually.

5. Specify discounts in accordance with the vendor response regarding discount offerings:

  • Select a purchase order line.
  • Apply the manual markup and discounts (click Prices and discounts → Adjust discount/markup).
  • Enter the % of discount adjustment and the amount of Manual discount.

How to attach reference documents

1. Click Attachments at the top of the document.

2. Upload files.

3. Do the same steps for the rest of the orders grouped by other vendors.

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