
During the process, a list of materials and a product kitting method must be defined for the kitting process.

BOMs are used to specify the list of materials and components, including packaging materials.

Kitting BOMs are often simpler and more specific than manufacturing BOMs and include one or several stages.

As a result of the process, the item and the BOM for the customizing product are created.

Customize product kitting flowchart

Customize product assembly


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How to set required product parameters and components

Analyze the information received from the customer and specify the required components.


PathMaster data and settings → Master data → Items
In-app link EN code


In-app link RU code


How to specify product parameters and components in the system

1. Go to Master data and settings and then click Items under Master data.

2. Find and open an item with the icon to enter components of the required product.

3. Go to the Main accounting parameters section.

4. Click the List hyperlink to open the Item variants list.

5. Create a new Item variant with the exact set of components required by the customer.

System controls

Note that the system uniqueness control can block the creation of the sale item variant. In this case, skip this step and continue.

How to maintain product kitting BOMs

Initiate the creation of a BOM for the new Item or Item variant.

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