The process is focused on filling the production capacities for the planning horizon in accordance with CAPEX, R&D, and maintenance projects.
CAPEX and R&D plans need to be considered when you identify planned changes in the production capacity. This includes HR resources (shop floor employees and their qualifications), production capital (equipment, outsourcing, and external subcontractors), and supporting capacities (warehouses, logistics, repairs, and maintenance).
You need to use different sources to find out when equipment, employees, and subcontractors are unavailable for work and why (scheduled repairs, vacations, shifts, unfavorable weather conditions and so on). Include this information in the production capacity for the planning period.
As a result of the process, the production capacity for the planning period will be identified, aligned with relevant operation departments, and maintained in the system.
Define production capacity for planning period flowchart
Path | Budgeting and planning → Budget process → My budget tasks |
In-app link EN code |
In-app link RU code |
How to find and review budget tasks
1. Go to Budgeting and planning and click My budget tasks under Budget process.
2. Find a Budget task related to the budgeting process step and open it.
3. In the Budget task document, go to the Additional information tab.
4. In the Due date field, review the time requirements.
5. In the Instructions field, review the task details and make sure you understand them.
6. In the Start field, review the start date and time.
7. Review the Main task and Process stage - base document fields.
8. Click the hyperlink in the middle of the form and review the input settings.
9. Go to the Task action tab.
10. Click Enter plan to drill down to the entry form to fill or the reference document.
How to assess planned changes in production capacity
Review plans
Review the CAPEX, R&M, and maintenance plans of the enterprise for the planning period.
Log off the system to make this step or review plan and budget documents with the required information.
Maintain work centers
Path | Manufacturing → Master data → Work centers |
In-app link EN code |
In-app link RU code |
1. Go to Manufacturing and then click Work centers under Master data.
2. Review the list of work centers.
3. Change the existing work centers, create new work centers that will be launched later, and mark the old work centers as deleted.
Path | Manufacturing → Master data → Work center types capacity |
In-app link EN code |
In-app link RU code |
How to maintain production capacity for planning period
1. Go to Manufacturing and then click Work center types capacity under Master data.
2. In the Enter capacity field, select the required mode.
3. Select a Business unit and specify a Period.
4. Fill the capacity of work centers/work center types for the planning horizon.
5. Click Save changes.
How to complete budget tasks
1. Go to Budgeting and planning and click My budget tasks under Budget process.
2. Find a Budget task related to the process step and open it.
3. In the Completed field, enter the completion date.
4. Click Complete and close.