
Here you will learn how to enter forecasted exchange rates into the system.

These rates are usually imported from external sources (spreadsheets) or specified manually. We will not discuss how to define the forecasting rate here.

As a result of the process, forecasted exchange rates are maintained for the upcoming financial planning.

Maintain forecasted exchange rates flowchart

Maintain forecasted exchange rates


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Budgeting and planning  Settings and catalogsBudgeting → Budgeting scenarios

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How to enter forecasted exchange rates

1. Go to Budgeting and planning  Settings and catalogs and click Budgeting scenarios under Budgeting.

2. Open the Budgeting scenario document.

3. Click Forecasted exchange rates.

4. Create a new currency rate.

5. Specify the Date.

6. Select the Currency.

7. Specify the Rate numerator and Rate denominator.

8. Fill the rates for the planning period.

How to import forecasted exchange rates

1. Go to Budgeting and planning  Settings and catalogs and click Budgeting scenarios under Budgeting.

2. Open the Budgeting scenario document.

3. Click Forecasted exchange rates.

4. Click Import.

5. Select the Currency.

6. Paste the data copied from the spreadsheet and click Import.

The system will automatically fill the rates.

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