
When the company creates kitting orders, it needs to sequence their steps.

It is necessary to schedule kitting orders to find out the optimal sequence of fulfillment and maximum occupation of kitting capacity. The following aspects should be taken into account during scheduling: Priority of kitting orders, actual availability of capacity, actual availability of materials.

Kitting schedule is checked, and compared to consumption schedule data.

As a result of the process, kitting orders are scheduled.

Video guide

Schedule kitting orders flowchart

Schedule kitting orders


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PathWarehouse and delivery → Internal inventory transfers → Kitting orders
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How to schedule kitting orders

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, then click Kitting orders under Internal inventory transfers.

2. Find the document and open it.

3. In the Kitting order document, click the Main tab.

4. Define the Kitting duration.

5. Fill the Kitting start date, and check the Kitting end date. Post the document.


PathWarehouse and delivery → Warehouse reports → Inventory analysis→ Inventory schedule
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How to check kitting schedule

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, click Warehouse reports, then click Inventory schedule under Inventory analysis.

2. In the report. Select the Warehouse, select Items. Click Generate.

3. Check the goods receipt schedule from kitting.

4. Compare it with consumption schedule. 

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