
Based on the results of the quality check, the enterprise may decide to extend the actual remaining shelf life of the goods, to adjust the quality of inventories, or write it off.

Within the process, batch shelf life is extended, a new expiration date is defined. The new expiration date is maintained in the system.

As a result of the process, the batch expiration date is maintained.

Video guide

Batch expiration date flowchart

Maintain batch expiration dates


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PathWarehouse and delivery → Internal inventory transfers → Internal documents (all)
In-app link EN code


In-app link RU code


How to maintain batch expiration dates

1. Go to Warehouse and delivery, click Warehouse reports, and then open the Stock by shelf life report under Inventory analysis.

2. In the report, specify a Period and a Warehouse, then click Generate.

3. Find the expiring Batch and open it.

4. In the Batch document, maintain the actual Expiration date value.

5. Save the document.

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