
Production orders depend on the production plan. They initiate production of items and specify quantity and applicable BOMs.

The production orders are used to create a schedule by items and quantity, control order execution, and manage material demand for production.

Within the set process scope, the production plan is converted into executable production orders.

During the process, the company needs to specify possible generation and calculation options.

Generate plan-based production orders flowchart

Generate plan-based production orders


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PathManufacturing → Production scheduling and controlling → Production orders
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How to generate plan-based production orders

1. Go to Manufacturing and click Production orders under Production scheduling and controlling.

2. Click Create and select By plan to run the tool that converts production plans into production orders.

3. At Step 1 of 3. Settings:

  • Choose a Scenario of the plan.
  • Select a Production process type.


Note that you can also choose the Repair and maintenance process type for the Pl2P Remanufacturing scenario.

  • In the Demand calculation mode by plan field, choose Separate by release periods.
  • The system will automatically:
    • Go to the Production plan.
    • Find the Bill of materials specified for the item.
    • Find the Stage duration of the main stages and subordinate stages (for the production of intermediate products).
    • Calculate the Order fulfillment period as duration of all stages.
    • Calculate the Earliest start date and Requested release date for the production order period: subtract the Order fulfillment period from the Planning period.
    • Place orders for intermediate products (assigned for finished products) earlier than orders for finished products.


Use the Cumulative for ... calculation mode instead of Separate by ... to consider underproduction or overproduction in the previous periods.

The system will automatically:

  • Calculate the entire production plan from the specified date to the current date.
  • Calculate the actual output and expected output for active production orders.
  • Offer to generate production orders by the current date in case of discrepancies.

This option helps to place new production orders for the quantity of items that were not produced in the previous periods.

This option is related to an annual production plan rather than a monthly production plan.


Use the ... starting period calculation mode instead of ... release periods for long production orders (one month or longer).

This option helps to place a long production order by focusing only on the start date.

This option also applies to unpredictable production delays due to:

  • Non-standard products and technology
  • Material supply delays
  • Equipment unavailability
  • Other factors
  • Set a period according to the conversion time horizon based on workdays from the planned release date.

4. At Step 2 of 3. Define what to order and how much to order, the system will automatically:

  • Create a list of Items based on the plan data.
  • Fill the quantity To order based on the plan data (see the algorithm of the calculation mode above).
  • Fill the Order fulfillment period (see the algorithm of the calculation mode above).
  • Calculate the Launch date (see the algorithm of the calculation mode above).

5. Select lines for conversion and click Select to order. The system will automatically:

  • Fill the To order column for the selected lines.
  • Group lines into future orders.

6. In the Order list preview window, check the information about the preview orders.

7. Click Create orders.

8. At Step 3 of 3. Specify generated orders, the system will automatically:

  • Create and fill the Production orders.
  • Fill the Backward production scheduling.
  • Set the Queued status (if there are no system errors).

How to verify items and quantity for production/remanufacturing

1. Open the converted production order.

2. Click the Manufactured products tab.

3. Verify the products and the quantity. Delete the lines and decrease the quantity if necessary.

4. Make sure the Recipient field is filled with the product destination warehouse.

How to verify scheduling types and production start dates

1. Open the converted production order.

2. Click the Manufactured products tab.

3. Check the Earliest start date field.

4. Set a date when the production process must begin. If no value is specified, the system will automatically use the current date as a production start date.

5. Check the Requested release date field. It is filled automatically in accordance with the production plan and the Demand calculation mode by plan option.

6. Check the Production scheduling option. Leave Backward to follow the ASAP ("as soon as possible") strategy. The Forward option corresponds to the  JIT ("just in time") strategy.

How to verify bills of materials

1. Open the converted production order.

2. Click the Manufactured products tab.

3. Check the BOM field.

4. Open the Bills of materials list and choose the actual BOM from the list.

5. Send a request to the production master data manager.

How to save production orders

1. Set the status to Queued if the system did not set it during the automatic conversion procedure.

2. Post the document.

3. The system will automatically:

  • Perform standard checks on whether the required fields are filled and their values are correct.
  • Indicate an error kind.
  • Provide recommendations on how to fix the error.
  • No labels