
This process defines the detailed activities, required resources and financial budget for marketing activities. 

The marketing activity structure must be maintained through the design of activities, their sequence, dependency, and milestones. The marketing activity resources must be also defined.

As a result of the process, the marketing activity plan is specified.

Plan marketing activities flowchart

Plan marketing activities


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CRM and Marketing Marketing activities and projects Marketing campaigns

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How to create marketing activities

1. Go to CRM and Marketing and click Marketing campaigns under Marketing activities and projects.

2. Create a new document and go to the Main tab.

3. Specify the working name in the Description field.

4. Specify the Planned start date and the Planned end date.

5. Select the Campaign manager.

6. Select the Customer segment and the Product segment.

7. Go to the Members tab.

8. Add a new line, select the related member of the activity, specify their role in the activity, select the contact person, and specify additional information in the Comment field.

9. Save the document.

How to structure and plan marketing activities 

1. Open the Marketing activity document and click Project tasks in the document header.

2. Create a new document.

3. Specify the working name in the Description field.

4. Select a marketing activity in the Project field.

5. Specify Supervisor and Assignee for the activity.

6. Set the Planned state.

7. Specify the goals and resources needed to perform the activity in the Goals field.

8. Define the Planned start date and Planned duration in days.

9. Save the document.

10. Repeat the actions for other activities to organize their structure.

How to plan marketing activity resources

In notes

1. Go to the Marketing activity document and click My notes.

2. Create a new document and specify the list of marketing materials and services required.

In additional attributes

1. Go to the Marketing activity document and go to the Main tab.

2. Click More actions → Edit additional attributes.

3. Add a new Attribute, select the Value type and make other necessary settings.

4. Use this attribute to specify the marketing materials and services required.

How to plan marketing activity budgets

See how to Create marketing activity budgets.



Budgeting and planning Budgets Budgeting reports

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How to review marketing activity budgets

1. Go to Budgeting and planning and click Budgeting reports under Budgets.

2. Review the list of budget profiles.

3. Select and double-click the budget profile.

4. Specify the planning Period for review.

5. Select the relevant budgeting Scenario.

6. Select the Company and Business unit (if required).

7. Specify the Effective date and click Generate.

8. Review the financial planning figures for the period by Budget item, Company, and Business unit.

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