
Here you will learn how to make effective decisions on gaps between demand and supply plans and provide feedback to sales, production and purchasing planning.

As a result of the process, the operational planning gaps are analyzed, and decisions are made and communicated to planning process participants. 

Resolve operational planning gaps at enterprise level flowchart

Resolve operational planning gaps at enterprise level


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Budgeting and planning → Budget process → My budget tasks

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How to find and review budget tasks

1. Go to Budgeting and planning and click My budget tasks under Budget process.

2. Find the Budget task related to the budgeting process step and open it.

3. In the Budget task document, click the Additional information tab.

4. Review the time requirements in the Due date field.

5. Review the task details in the Instructions field and make sure you understand them.

6. Review the start date and time in the Start field.

7. Review the Main task and Process stage - base document fields.

8. Click the hyperlink in the middle of the form and review the input settings.

9. Click the Task action tab.

10. Click Enter plan to drill down to the entry form to fill in or the reference document.


Hyperlinks in steps 8 and 10 appear if Plan entry is selected in the Action field.



Budgeting and planning → Budgeting and planning reports Plan balance for the period → Comparison of scenarios by the periods

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How to review gaps in production planning

Supply gaps

1. Go to Budgeting and planning → Budgeting and planning reports and click Plan balance for the period under Sales and operations plans.

2. Click  and select Comparison of scenarios by the periods.

3. Go to Settings.

4. Choose the Scenario related to the supply requirements.

5. Choose the Comparison scenario related to the feasible supply plans.

6. Specify the Period.

7. Select the Detail by plans check box.

8. Select the Production plans check box.

9. Generate the report.

10. Analyze the deviations between required and feasible production plans and find the reasons for any unrealistic plans.

Capacity gaps

Review the information on the production capacity gap identified during the Calculate production capacity requirements and identify gaps process.

Decisions made at plant level

Review the decisions made at the plant level during the Resolve production capacity gaps by available means process.

How to review supply gaps after purchasing planning

1. Go to Budgeting and planning → Budgeting and planning reports and click Plan balance for the period under Sales and operations plans.

2. Click  and select Comparison of scenarios by the periods.

3. Go to Settings.

4. Choose the Scenario related to the supply requirements.

5. Choose the Comparison scenario related to the feasible supply plans.

6. Specify the Period.

7. Select the Detail by plans check box.

8. Select the Purchase plans check box.

9. Generate the report.

10. Analyze the deviations between required and feasible purchase plans and find the reasons for any unrealistic plans.

How to find solutions for gaps between demand and supply plans

Decide what to do with unfeasible demand gaps.


Possible solutions:
- Find new purchase sources (for example, a new supplier).
- Find sources to increase production capacity (for example, hire a subcontractor, repurpose existing capacities, hire more employees, change the work schedule, and other).
- Reduce inventory forecast levels.
- Reduce the sales plan.

How to capture decisions made at enterprise level

Option 1. Store as a note file

1. Generate the reports mentioned above.

2. Save them as Excel file.

3. Specify decisions in the file.

4. Attach the files in the planning process. See how to Schedule and follow up planning process.

Option 2. Create production and purchase plans for the gap

1. Create new production and purchase plans for the gap quantity.

2. Set custom population rules and fill in the plans automatically. See how to Maintain scenarios and plan profiles for master planning.

3. Select the cell containing gap figures and add notes with final decisions in the Comment field.

4. In the planning process, add links to the gap plans.

Option 3. Create tasks for the responsible persons

1. Open the required document.

2. Create a Duty based on the document.

3. Specify the work name in the Duty field.

4. Assign it to the responsible user within the database.

5. Set the Priority and specify the Due date.

6. Describe the actions to take in the Subject field.

7. Start and close the document.

How to complete budget tasks

1. Go to Budgeting and planning and click My budget tasks under Budget process.

2. Find the Budget task related to the process step and open it.

3. Enter the date of completion in the Completed field.

4. Click Complete and close.

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