
Here you will learn how to get a report on the intermediate or final results of a marketing activity.

The business process checks if all activity tasks are completed and if the activity stays within the given budget. It shows the purchased materials and services, assesses the losses (for example, the discounts made) and the goals achieved (for example, the number of leads generated).

As a result of the process, an activity report is generated and analyzed.

Review results and close marketing activities flowchart

Review results and close marketing activities


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CRM and Marketing → Marketing activities and projects → Marketing campaigns

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How to review marketing activity reports

Completed project activities

1. Go to CRM and Marketing and click Marketing campaigns under Marketing activities and projects.

2. Open a Marketing activity document and click Project tasks in the document header.

3. Select a project activity.

The Results fields display the activity metrics.



CRM and Marketing → CRM and Marketing reports → Sales opportunities → Lead sources

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Initial customer request statistics

1. Go to CRM and Marketing CRM and Marketing reports and click Lead sources under Sales opportunities.

1. Go to the Initial request report.

2. Specify a Period.

3. (Optionally) click Settings and add a filter by marketing activity to the Source of initial request field.

4. Click Generate.



Budgeting and planning Budgets Budgeting reports

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Reviewing marketing activity budget fulfillment reports

1. Go to Budgeting and planning and click Budgeting reports under Budgets.

2. Review the list of budget profiles.

3. Select and double-click the budget profile.

4. Specify the planning Period for review.

5. Select the relevant budgeting Scenario.

6. Select the Company and Business unit (if required).

7. Specify the Effective date and click Generate.

8. Review the financial planning figures for the period by Budget item, Company, and Business unit.

9. Review the marketing activity metrics for the given period.

Reviewing losses from special marketing prices


You can now use standard sales reports and apply filters that show figures related to the Sales opportunities coming from certain Marketing activities.

We recommend that you customize this report during the implementation project.

How to close marketing activities

1. Go to CRM and Marketing and click Marketing campaigns under Marketing activities and projects.

2. Open a Marketing activity document and go to the Main tab.

3. In the Actual end date field, enter the date the activity was completed.

4. Select the Completed check box.

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